少しこなれた表現の「It occurs to me that..」
【occur to 人】の意味、使い方
「occur to 人」は「急に何かを思いついた」「ふと考えがよぎった」ということを表します。
会話で使う場合は、「It occurs to me that...」で「思ったんだけど、~」というニュアンスになります。
It occurs to me that I've never asked your name.
It occurred to me that she no longer needed my help.
It occurs to me that the world is changing much more rapidly than we think.
Then it occurred to me that we might end up broke.
It finally occurred to me to tell the truth.
I had nothing to do until it occurred to me to write some poems.
It may occur to you that buying gold is better right now.
Here are some answers for the questions that might occur to you.
It never occurred to me to give up.
It didn't occur to me to call the police back then.
It didn't occur to me that I would become a dancer.
It never occurred to me that he would actually leave us.
They will come up with something that would never occur to you.
Did it ever occur to you to become a professional singer?
When did it occur to you to move here?
How many times a year does it occur to you to change your job?
Did it occur to you that she might be thinking the same thing?
Doesn't it occur to you that your feeling is affected by weather?
「it occurs to」の類似表現というのは、実は色々あります。
「it strikes me」
「it strikes me」で「突然思いがよぎる」「急に気づく」などの意味になります。
It struck me that I had left my purse at the shop.
It struck me that I should help those people.
It struck me that no one was using their phone.
「cross my mind」
「cross my mind」は「頭をよぎる」という意味で、否定文で使われるほうが多い傾向にあります。
It never crossed my mind that we could lose our house.
What is the first thing that cross your mind when you hear the word Sushi?
It crossed my mind that I might miss the interview.
「come to mind」「spring to mind」「pop into my head」
「come to mind」「spring to mind」「pop into my head」も、「突然思いつく、急に気づく」という意味になります。
The first thing that came to mind was how I could find her.
Nothing sprung to mind when I sit at the meeting table.
A single thought popped into my head.