【not have the stomach for / to 】~が食べられない、~する勇気(根性)がない
- I don't have the stomach for spicy food since I've got a stomach ulcer.
- I'm over 40, and now I don't have the stomach for fatty food anymore.
- You just don't have the stomach to tell the truth.
- Do you really have the stomach for being an enemy?
「have no stomach for / to ~」も使えます。
- The company is trying to mitigate the concerns but has no stomach for real conflict.
ちなみに「I don't have a stomach」と不定冠詞の「a」を使ってしまうと
【have a strong stomach for / to 】動じない、度胸のある、図太い
- If you were to buy a cryptocurrency, you should have a strong stomach and patience.
- I usually have a strong stomach for criticism.
- This is one of the creepiest movies, so I don't recommend it unless you have a strong stomach.
【sick to my stomach】反吐が出る、吐きそうなくらいむかつく・動揺している
「sick to one's stomach」は、通常の「吐きそうだ」という意味の他に
- I had a bunch of fatty steaks yesterday and now feel sick to my stomach.
- Ugh, I feel sick to my stomach when I see your face.
- I am sick to my stomach wondering if she will say yes or not.
【turn my stomach】吐き気を催させる、気持ち悪くさせる
こちらも「sick to my stomach」とほぼ同じような意味で使われます。
- The way he treats his wife turns my stomach.
- Hearing it all is enough to turn my stomach.
これらは「make me sick」や「disgusting」などに言い換えることができます。
- That turns my stomach.
- That makes me sick.
- That is disgusting.
【have a strong stomach for / to 】③
- I usually have a strong stomach for criticism.
(基本的には批判に対しては図太いほうだよ)- This is one of the creepiest movies, so I don't recommend it unless you have a strong stomach.
↓↓https://t.co/UMY82VS0JR— うなぎ先生の英文法の復習 (@unagi01446720) 2021年5月20日